Certification Process

Certification for Individual Growers

Once an organization has completed the initial registration process, your TCC assigned guide will work with your organization throughout the Certification Process.

individual grower audit process overview

For those of us who are more visual, there is a flowchart.

Step 1 - Begin Registration

Click here to visit the registration page or Email info@cannabisconservancy.com with your contact information.

Step 2 - Finalize Registration

Grower completes the Service Agreement & Intake Form. TCC sends New Client Package (Standards, Self-Assessment, and Grower Manual) and introduces the Grower to their Guide.

Step 3 - Self Assessment

The Grower submits the completed Self-Assessment for their Guide to review. If you choose, TCC can complete a Pre-Assessment for you; extra service fees apply.

Step 4 - Self Assessment Review

TCC reviews the Self-Assessment and provides an Evaluation Report that includes areas of improvement. If your Self-Assessment needs improvement, you will have a chance to incorporate this feedback into your Assessment (and, if necessary, your system).

Step 5 - Prepare for the Audit

Your Self-Assessment is approved and Grower prepares for the Audit. The Auditor will contact the Grower to schedule the Audit. Grower pays remainder of balance due to TCC.

Step 6 - Audit

The Auditor completes the Audit including interviews, a full site inspection, and review of the organization’s records. The Auditor provides the Auditor Report, including any required Corrective Actions, to the Grower.

Step 7 - Corrective Actions

If your Auditor Report requires Corrective Actions, you then address and provide your Auditor proof of the Corrective Actions completed.

Step 8 - Certification is Awarded

TCC issues a Certification Verdict after reviewing Audit Report and Corrected Action Plan. Certification is Awarded. Congratulations!. The Grower pays the auditor fees – travel, accommodation, and per diem.

Step 9 - TCC Certified!

The Grower receives their personalized welcome package including their TCC Sustainability Certificate and a unique QR code for the MYGrow Program. You can now label your products as TCC Certified!

Have any questions?
Your Guide is here to help.

the on-site audit

An Audit Plan is prepared by the auditor in advance of the audit to coordinate audit logistics and activities. The Audit Plan will be sent to the client at least two weeks before the audit to enable the client to review and confirm the proposed schedule. The Audit Plan will include the following details:

  1. Audit scope, including sites to be audited;
  2. Date and location of the audit;
  3. Expected time and duration of the audit;
  4. Names and contact information of the auditor.

opening meeting

An opening meeting is conducted with the client management and any other persons responsible for the areas to be audited. The purpose of the opening meeting is to:

  1. Provide introductions, including the auditor’s background and the roles of the company employees attending the meeting;
  2. Confirm the audit scope and audit plan;
  3. Provide a summary of audit activities;
  4. Provide an opportunity for the client to ask questions.

audit checklist

The auditor will go through the detailed audit checklist and conduct a full site inspection, interview workers and review all relevant documentation.

closing meeting

At the end of the inspection the auditor has a closing meeting with the client to:

  1. Present the findings of the audit and conclusions to the client;
  2. Provide an explanation of all areas of non-conformance and agree to a timeframe for implementing any corrective actions;
  3. Resolve and/or record differing opinions of the audit findings;
  4. Provide the client the opportunity to ask questions;
  5. Confirm the next steps with the client including the timeline when they can expect to receive their audit report and/or certificate once the certification decision is made.


The auditor prepares a draft audit report that details findings, including non-conformances. These will be reviewed as part of a closing meeting the day or final day of the audit if the audit is more than one day. The client will be given specific information on how to resolve all non-conformances noted during the audit.

A draft report will be submitted to The Cannabis Conservancy certification committee along with any non-conformances noted during the audit.

The auditor will stay in contact with the client to resolve any outstanding non-conformances within the timeframe agreed upon at the time of the audit (see below). Once all non-conformances have been resolved the certification committee can issue a certificate.


At the conclusion of the onsite audit, the auditor will provide the client with a list of any non-conformances to the Standards, the client will be provided a list of these non-conformances and the auditor will detail the corrective actions needed to resolve them.

Once an audit is completed and all non-conformances have been resolved, a decision on Provisional certification must be made by TCC Certification Committee within 30 days and certificate issued immediately thereafter.

protecting your knowledge

TCC’s confidentiality protocols are designed to safeguard disclosure of each individual’s niche application and cultivation methodologies. We protect our clients’ information through our process of anonymous serialization.